Friday, August 7, 2020


 *this post originally published on, my food blog on March 12, 2016*

I will preface this post by saying that this is a bit unconventional, especially for a food blog, but I felt like this was something that I ought to share and get involved with. I know that I’ve talked a bit about myself in my About Me page but let me reach out to you guys in what I feel a is super relate-able way for all of us.

Now we have all felt self-doubt at some point in our lives, actually many times in our lives I guess if we’re being real here, but we all somehow manage to move past it and get on with our lives. Sometimes we let that self-doubt hang around a lot longer than we ought to which prevents us to really go after our goals and try seemingly scary things. But if you think about it, those scary things could be really what helps us grow and become more of the people we ought to be. I know I’ve had those crippling doubts creep into my mind many, many times but thankfully I had many wonderful and supportive people push me forward and encourage me to move on with my goals and to go for something that was terrifying at first. Some of these include: moving to Utah for college, dating my husband (that is a juicy story!), moving to Flagstaff for college, dropping out of college to go to culinary school, going on the competition team to Innsbruck, marrying my husband (that’s another good story! Any story with him is great actually!), starting this blog, becoming a mama… the list goes on and on.


I was terrified to go to culinary school because it was so not a part of my life plan but I was so unhappy with where I was scholastically and it really felt like the right direction for my life… I am so grateful for my parents who encouraged me to follow my passions and go for it! I was terrified to go to Austria, I was terrified of letting my partner, team, coach, and school down if we didn’t place but that week away from work and school really helped me to re-center myself and really figure out what I wanted to experience in my cooking career!


I was terrified to get married, y'all can relate to me on this… marriage is scary, commitment is super scary BUT I had known throughout our whole relationship that this is where we were headed. After some long talks with each other and some prayer, I went forward with my decision and have never looked back! I have never been happier as when he is by my side. This man is the bestest, best friend I have ever had and am grateful for his support and unfailing companionship; he truly makes me feel like I can do anything.

Deciding to become a mom, also, was a super terrifying decision; again I’m sure I’m getting an “oh yeah” from some of you. Of course, I have no idea what I am doing, no amount of reading will ever prepare me for my own kid! Yes, I have had experiences with kids throughout my life but still… it’s so different! Yet I think back on my life and see the example that my mom has shown me in raising me and when I think about her, I can’t help but feeling that I might just be ok at being a mom… If I can be half of the mom my mom has been, I think our kids might stand a chance in life. My mom is amazing! I also have an amazing mother-in-law who did an amazing job in raising her kids and I am always in awe of her parenting and am so observant of everything she does because she is such a wonderful mom.

This brings me to my blog decision… This is has been such a nerve-wracking venture to start on. It took me about 2 months of thought-stewing, researching, brainstorming, and web building to finally decide that this is what I ought to do. I am always fighting doubting thoughts that could keep me from going forward with this. Am I really that interesting to read? Do I really have good ideas to share? Will I actually get a following from this? I didn’t major in English in college, I just make sandwiches, what am I doing with a food blog?! I’m going to give you guys a little insight into this: I am so scared that this blog won’t be successful, that people won’t find me interesting and that I won’t be able to see this thought turn into a thriving reality. This could be very crippling to me if I let it.

Thankfully, I was approached (along with some other bloggers) by a fellow blogger to get behind, what I think is an incredibly empowering movement and I am so happy to help do what I can to push this movement forward. This movement is #myworthchallenge and here is what we do: every time we have self-deprecating thoughts, we think of 5 things that are awesome about ourselves and move on with our life, pushing aside our doubts! So using my mom and blog doubts:

Becoming a mom

  1. I have an awesome mom and mother-in-law there for me for support and I have their examples to live by
  2. Kids love me (true story)!
  3. I have had lots of practice being patient in many situations
  4. I am already developing a deep love for someone I haven’t met before, so that’s encouraging
  5. I adapt to new situations in my own time and will eventually get the hang of this mom thing316109_294082043951675_100000496455633_1222456_531508860_n


This blog adventure:

  1. I can be funny at times
  2. I know what I am talking about as far as food goes
  3. I make freakin awesome food!
  4. I have had many amazing mentors who have helped me steer into this direction so there has to be a reason why I felt like this was the next stop in my food journey
  5. I have a wonderful husband who pushed me along and helped me see how interesting I was and how I really could make this successful by being me

Now you may be wondering what this all has to do with food and your culinary journey (no I’m not just bearing my soul because I was out of post ideas). I will guarantee you that you will have some doubts about a dish you’re trying out, a new restaurant you are venturing to try, you may be doubting your ability to rock it in the kitchen and I need to stop you right there. YOU are awesome! YOU can try new things; whether it be a new dish, restaurant, or even a new life adventure. YOU are meant to do new and scary things because that is how we grow and become better. YOU are worth more than having doubts living in your mind and dictating your life decisions. Next time you have doubts creep into your mind about anything going on in your life, remember to think of 5 awesome things about yourself and then move on. If you’d like to, post a picture of yourself on social media with the hashtag #myworthchallenge, and let’s see this empowering movement move forward! We need to surround ourselves with those who will build us up when we need it. Also, visit Aleigh Moore’s blog to read and gain inspiration from her and her journey with this movement (she is the one who is starting all of this). Remember, YOU are awesome, YOU CAN cook, and it’s just food! Food is fun and can be relaxing. Embrace it and rock it! 

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