Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. -Erica Jong
Friday, December 23, 2011
How He Did It!

Sunday, December 18, 2011
THE Reunion
He will talk lots more I promise! On to the story of the blessed day of December 8th, 2011.
First of all, let me say how honored I am to be able to participate in the writing of this, the story of stories {for us, anyway}. Aside from all the days and weeks and months preceeding Dec. 8th, in which I HIGHLY anticipated meeting this girl at the temple for the first time in two years, I think a definite beginning came the night before, as I realized, "Holy Moses, I'm going to see her TOMORROW. ONE MORE DAY." I was still on the missionary clock so I had to lay that thought aside for a bit. Needless to say, the thought wouldn't give up and came to me many a time between then and the next night.
I slept less-than-restfully (but was more than happy to lose sleep over the occasion). Woke up, piled into the van with the other soon-to-be RM's to go to the airport, checked in, etc...flew to Atlanta, and had to say goodbye to two best friends before they left to wait at their gate. I felt a bit of sorrow saying goodbye because I knew I was saying goodbye, little by little, to the most important thing I'd ever done...but then had a bit of alone time to imagine her to whom I'd soon say hello. I waited less-than-patiently on the 4-hr flight to Phoenix, got to see Mom&Family, and (of course) secretly missed someone I wished I could be seeing. "Just a few hours away," I told myself. "She waited for me...We've made it...just a few hours longer."
Meanwhile.... I was increasingly becoming more and more a nervous wreck because MY MAN WAS COMING HOME!!!! I thankfully was able to sleep the night before by staying up late watching CSI:NY with my dad. I woke up a bit early in the morning and headed to the temple to do baptisms one last time before Taylor came home. Much to my dismay... the temple was closed! Whaaaaa?! Yeah... I was not happy in the least bit. I ended up walking around the temple nearly freezing and drove myself back to the house and changed into street clothes. After I had changed, I had to get my Rachel {my lovely car... why have I not posted about her yet?!} cleaned so that she wouldn't be a righteous mess when she and Taylor were introduced. Once she was washed, I headed to the mall to try to do some shopping... key word is try here... I ended up just walking around the mall for close to 2 hours, while being constantly texted by loving and supportive friends {especially Kendahl}. It was so odd to think that I was no longer counting down the days but the hours until I would be seeing him again! As each minute passed, the realization of my dreams for the past 2 years was setting in and I became more and more anxious to see him already.
1:18pm HE LANDED!!!!!!!!!!! or so I thought... nevertheless I got a mass amount of texts informing me of what time it was and what that time meant... How could I not know?! I had become a master time counter over the past year, I knew what time it was! But I appreciated everyones excitement! Once I felt that sufficient time had been wasted walking around the mall... I decided to make my way back to the house while stopping off at a few stores to pick up a few things {this time I for real shopped}. Once I was home... I began to freak out a bit. A lot actually... and decided to do my hair. Which only took me like 45 minutes to do... and I still had 5 more hours to go before he was released. What. the. heck! Thankfully, Kendahl never ceased to text me that entire day. I read my scriptures a bit and took a slight nap... but that was to no avail since people kept texting me congrats... ugh!
Around 5pm, a dear mutual friend of Taylor and I said that she was on her way with another friend to help me get ready. My butterflies were coming up out of my stomach and I could not keep still. I just wanted to see him already!!!! You'd think after 2 years, I would have the patience of a saint... HA! My two friends came over and started putting my face on. I was all nerves and was afraid my friend was going to poke my eye out with eyeliner from me trying to keep still. Out of nowhere, one of my friends ran over to me with my phone in my hand and it was vibrating... someone was calling. I saw his glorious face on the caller id and said ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah.... legit freaking out was finally happening! I answered and his mom's voice was on the other line saying she was calling in behalf of Taylor. I just about lost it. I didn't care really why she was calling because I knew why, I was just so happy to know she was calling for him. She wanted to make sure that I was still good to meet at the temple. I had to control myself from exuberantly exclaiming OF COURSE!!!! so what came out was "yeah I was still planning on going over there after he's released." She said that he would call me after he was released to give me the go. After we hung up, I had to pause the face-putting-on since tears were starting to make their way... and lets be honest, I had waterproof eyeliner AND mascara but I was taking no chances! It was really happening! Holy freaking cow!
Finishing touches were done on the face and hair and I then changed into the outfit I had planned for about a year in advance {us MG's do that type of thing... we're kinda excited for this day}. Everything looked great and I felt totally spoiled and a bag of nerves at the same time... at least I was a great looking bag of nerves. The girls decided to head to Arbys to kill time before the call... I hate Arbys. 'Nough about that. The fries I hungrily scarfed down were only because I had not eaten a single thing that day. I was grossed out... but whtvr. My right state of mind had been checked out a long time ago that day. After they were finished eating, we made our way to the temple thinking we could just hang out at the Visitors Center and wait for the call. We were 30 seconds from a parking space when.... THE BLESSED CALL CAME!!!!!!!! Hallelujah! His beautiful voice filled my ears and I almost dropped my phone. "Hey Honey. This is Eld... I mean Brother Brady." I kept saying ohmygosh over and over again on the phone... I was talking to him in real time! I didn't have to wait months for a reply on a tape cassette... I was talking to him on the phone. He told me that he had just been released and was on his way to the temple.
We finally parked in the parking lot across from the temple grounds and I immediately jumped out of the car. I had to wait for my friends to get situated and finally I asked one if I could go already and she said yes. I was off! In my boots, I still outwalked two girls taller than me. I was a woman on a mission to see her man! Nothing was going to hold me back. It was sinking in more now than ever that I was actually going to be seeing him. This figment of my imagination was becoming a reality once again.
I was relieved when I found out I'd be released at 7:15...plenty of time to go see my Marlee before the end of the night. Everything went perfectly...A few hours with the family, a bit of unpacking, return and report with the stake president, and then...I grabbed the keys (real smooth driving my mom's car) and made the call. I couldn't help but sigh as I heard her try to control herself on the phone, knowing how happy she was. Best day of my life, so far :) Then I was off. I suddenly had a bone to pick with whoever established the city speed limits, but got there at last. After a short walk, I finally saw her...extatic, beautiful...I felt on the inside the way she looked on the outside. She ran to me, I threw my arms around her & pickerd her up, and just like that, we were done waiting.
After the presentation, we went to Dairy Queen for hot chocolate and blizzards. We all walked back to the cars, Taylor and I hand in hand, stealing glances from one another and getting to know one another again. Taylor and I went back to his house to pick up my last ever letter and he drove me back home. Saying goodbye that night was the hardest... I had just gotten my Honey back... and now I had to say goodbye again?! You kidding me?! Oh well... I did... and I was too excited to see him again the next day and the day after.... and many days after!
Life with him back home has been an adjustment but a wonderful adjustment. I have a man who insists on taking care of me endlessly and loves me unconditionally. Taylor was quite mature when he left for the mission but he turned into a real man by the time he came home. Our relationship has even more depth to it and we have a truer and deeper lasting love for one another. Waiting for Taylor Jordan Brady was the best decision I have ever made! They really do come home and it really is as if he never left! As we were at the temple the following Sunday, it really hit me how it feels so natural to be with him again and how everything is how it was before... only better! I do not regret a single moment I spent waiting for him because of all that I had learned during that time. The Lord knew who he would become at the end of the mission and I'm so grateful for the divine support I had felt during my hard times while waiting. He was definitely worth the wait and I would do it all over again!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
This Is It!
Now I know this isn't THE post ya'll are waiting for... that'll come within this coming weekend... It's slowly but surely hitting me that he is coming home tomorrow.. I'll see him tomorrow and he'll be here!! I can't believe it! It's such a surreal thing to experience, I'm slightly freaking out {in a good way though!}. Lately I've been thinking over the past two years and all that's happened to me to make me who I am today. Just wanted to share with you wonderful people the things on my mind in hopes that it might be of help to some of you in whatever situation you may be in.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Dearest Missionary Girlfriends,
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Lasts
Voices (Safe at Sea)
Voices carried in the wind
Are rushing, pounding in.
I am out at sea,
Everyone is trying to save me.
Safely in Poseidon’s net am I found
Yet they all try to come around.
Too many voices inside my mind
Drowning my confidence I had fought to find.
Doubt, question, insecurity cloud up my clear sky
Now make me look at my perfect picture and ask why?
Tis not good fortune to make the Creator question her work
For she followed exactly, her Masters perfect book.
The sea was to liberate me
Free to wait and see
Gain the freedom to say “let it be”
I know I am incomplete
For right now it seems
Night can hold my worst dreams.
Faith, hope, and love
Memories, letters, and songs
Will keep me safe, make sure I hold on.
“Have trust in me,
Doubt not, can you not see?
I will last, I am strong
I will prove faithful, I will not be torn.”
The winds yell out “you cannot know
You are too young and still need to grow.”
To them, time is far
Distance too long to make the bar
If my journey be safe at sea,
Do not save but oh, please, support me.
For while my love be in a different clime
Calm the rushing wind and the boisterous chime
Crowd me not and make me not ashamed
Do not discourage but uplift the unmaimed.
“You’ll make it, ‘tis not a long time,
He told you “our lasting love is true
It is what will see us this journey through.
We both know for certainty
It is you and me for eternity.’”
Sunday, November 27, 2011
What is Love?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Today Is a Special Day
Sunday, November 13, 2011
It All Comes Down to Faith
Faith. Such an interesting attribute. Just when I think I have it, something comes along to knock me down and I end up thinking "where's my faith?! I just had it!" and it takes me sometime to regain my position and become strong once more. I do have faith, I really do. Just sometimes I forget it or forget what I know when I am in my despairing thoughts.
Throughout the mission, I've had worries ie "what if's?" but never felt compelled do act upon them. Weird I know. Here's a little story for you wonderful readers:
Once upon a time I was in real like with this guy and while he and I were both off at school, I began to feel like I needed to break whatever it was we had, off. I was confused as to why I had these feelings and began to read my scriptures for an answer. I was impressed to go to a scripture in D&C and as I read it, I felt happy that I had found an answer but, at the time, had no idea what it meant. Later, my heart was broken by this boy and I reflected back on that scripture often.
Fast forward about 4 years, I am on the last leg of the waiting for a missionary. Like I had said before, I have had what if's and freak outs throughout the whole mission and yet something has always comforted me and have always felt like I needed to continue on in this journey. I cannot tell you how many times I have read my scriptures to get my answer from the Lord, fully expecting that same scripture in D&C from before to pop into my mind, and yet being directed to scriptures about faith and trusting in the Lord. I'm sure that looking back 5 years from now, in hindsight, I'll say to myself "how could you not know what that meant?!" I'm a slow learner at times it seems...
One scripture that I've always come to and has stuck out in my mind is found in Matthew 14, the latter end of the chapter. Before, in these types of instances, my mind has always been drawn to the part where Peter goes out and walks on water to talk to Christ and when he is within arms reach of the Lord, he begins to lose faith and sinks within the water. The part that had stuck out to me always has been vs 31 when Christ "immediately stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto him, O ye of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" That part had helped me through so much to know that there was no need to doubt with Christ so close to my side to be there and lift me up when I began to worry.
However, today my mind was drawn to an earlier part of the story. I was sitting in church not totally paying attention to the first speaker until he began to tell this story and it was his emphasis on the 25th verse which said "and in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea." For some reason this really caught my attention and it caused my mind to mull it over. Sometimes when we ask for relief or for comfort or for saving or for any kind of answer we may need, it isn't until the fourth watch of the night, or until the last minute that we are given what we desired, if that's what the Lord willed. Sometimes we are made to wait and have our faith tested until He comes to help, comfort, reassure or whatever the case may be. I just began to feel that my faith during this trial will continue to be tested until the fourth watch. That I have to wait until the very end to get what I've been asking for: for comfort, validation, reassurance, and strength.
Funny how faith works. Faith requires patience in the Lord and His timing. It requires you to become humble enough for the answer and for the wait to have the mysteries of God unfolded.
"Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith.” I guess it all just comes down to faith, especially in the last moments of the wait.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Happy Thoughts For a Happy Day
She's never been one to wait around. She's always moving and dancing and running.
But for some reason, with him,
She's patient. she'll wait.
She'll wait for nobody, and nothing else, except him
If you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it, work day and night for it, give up your peace and your sleep and your time for it. If only your desire makes your aim higher never to tire of it. If life seems all empty and useless without it, and all that you dream and you scheme is about it. If gladly you'll fret for it, sweat for it, pray with all your strength for it. If you'll only go after the thing that you want with all your capacity, strength, and sagacity, faith hope and confidence, stern pertinacity. If neither poverty nor pain nor famish and gaunt, can keep you away from the thing that you want, if dogged and grim you besiege the beset it, guess what, you'll get it!
The Missionary's Girl:
Somewhere between the whirl of teen-age dates and the responsibility of matrimony, we find a lone creature called the Missionary's Girl.
They come in two varieties... engaged and hopefuls. They come in assorted sizes, weights, and colors, blue being the most common.
The missionary's girl is found at home, missing parties (Just the parties that have overzealous RM's), staying away from dances (too depressing without ??? there), paying her own way to the movies, and buying stationary by the gross.
Missionaries love them, young girls look up to them, parents tolerate them, postmen hate them, and weekly letters support them.
A missionary's girl is a composite. She has the appetite of a hormonally unstable 18-year-old girl, the enthusiasm of a wet noodle, the patience of Job, the persistence of a stainless steel salesman and the imagination of Scherazade.
She likes letters from the mission field, invitations to his home, long distance telephone calls, items for his scrapbook, pictures of him, and other girls who are waiting (I LOVE my MGs!).
She isn't much for Saturday nights out on the town ; people who say, "Two years is a long time"; or “Don’t waste your time” or the classic “ so much can happen in two years” , new clothes with no one to wear them for; sad movies and music; movies with love scenes; knitting; wedding receptions; little sisters who date; calenders; and "Dear Janes."
A missionary's girl is an odd object: She can get lonesome, discouraged, and temporarily lose faith in the whole missionary system. No one else can write such cheerful letters in such a rotten mood. No one else can get such a thrill at the end of the day by the words, "Why yes, there is a letter for you." Nobody else is so early to bed and so early to rise.(More like....Nobody else is capable of writing such competent, lengthy, and entertaining letters in the wee hours of the morning.)
A missionary's girl is virtue with no chance to be otherwise, faith with twenty-four months to wait, prudence with 69 cents in her savings account, and beauty with no one to give a darn.
Yes, she is all this, but it will all be forgotten the day he receives his letter of release and, upon his arrival home she will probably utter the words she once considered trite, "It hasn't seemed like any time at all!"
“You’re incredible, Marlee… I can’t imagine anyone more amazing, and I could never ask for someone better"
“I love you more than you know, Marlee Michelle"
“Like before we were dating I thought you were cute, but now you’re just the most beautiful thing in my world.”
“I’m very much in love with the kind of girl you are"
“I love you with everything I have Marlee. I couldn’t love someone else this much. I want you to know that.”
“I miss you, your love pushes me to strive for perfection!"
“You already know I’d be the happiest man in the world with you. I’m already the happiest boyfriend"
“Yes!! That makes me so happy! We’ve waited 20 years for this Baby :D” cont… “Oh but I already have you. Twenty two will just be when I’ll have the guarantee that I can keep you.”
“I love that I’m in love with my best friend Baby Girl.”
“You are so precious to me, Marlee. You’re my everything.”
“I adore you. I can’t wait for you to be my wife.”
And finally...
“Well she became my best friend after months of talking to me, till she learned all about me and what was going on in my life and she trusted me with what was going on with her too, and she genuinely cared about me and loved to help. Then we started to hang out and realized we love to do a bunch of the same things and had a ton in common with each other and I found out I had more fun with her than with anyone else. Then added on to that was the fact that she was always there for me when I was sad or sick or needed her some way, and she just slowly became my best friend and the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
Just 31 more days... Complete bliss {happy sigh}
Thursday, November 3, 2011
5 Weeks
I woke up this morning and remembered that today marked 5 weeks left! Huge deal here! This past week I've had a hard time dealing with a mental battle from things said earlier from a friend which really rattled me. I began to question everything and freaking out about my relationship with my Honey. Then today... it all hit me; from what a temple worker said this morning, what my Love said in his letter today, what another close friend said about him, shopping for the makings of his Christmas present... I have an amazing man next to me. I can stop worrying and begin to have faith in this wonderful person that I have been extremely blessed to have in my life and to have hope in the future. It can be terrifying at times but this guy has made it worth everything these past {almost} two years. All of the tears, worries, anxiety, sleepless nights, heartaches, he is worth it! The happiness I feel whenever I am with him, when I get letters from him is inexpressible. The feeling of everything just fitting and falling into place with him is incomparable. Knowing that he loves me unconditionally and without restraint is priceless. Knowing that I can trust him with my heart and that he will take care of me for eternity is comforting. I've known this very early in our relationship, that I could marry him, that he was everything I had ever wanted and always needed and even more. That he is the rightest of right for me, my other {and better} half, my knight in shining armor, my Prince Charming, my best friend, fellow adventurer, the love of my life, the one I want to spend forever and ever with. He's everything.
Many people have told us that 2 years would tear us apart, that I wouldn't wait, that too much would change, he wouldn't want me, I'd find someone better. On and on... they weren't supportive at first, for a very long time. Sometimes I had listened to what they said and grew to worry but Taylor was always right behind to knock some sense into me and to remind me of what was real and not speculation. He's never given me reason to doubt him or his love or commitment. He's always been so supportive of me and whatever I wanted to do. He's written me every single week of his mission. He's always been so loving and caring and absolutely compassionate to me. He has made the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life just a bit easier. Nobody could ever make waiting easy, but he made it bearable and easier.
With 5 weeks left until I see him, I've decided that I'm going to give up on worrying, give up on the questions... everything negative I'm just going to put it aside and let it be. I'm going to live up the next 34 days and enjoy this time of preparation to see my man again! I've got quite a bit to do so I have to stay on top of it and I want to be happy during it all! No more mopey for me, no more frowns or being depressed or beaten up. I'm going to be ecstatic the next few weeks for my Love to be home and not stress about a thing. There's no reason for it! He's coming home and it's going to be the best day of my life! All thanks to him!
I've had the best 2 years of my life and I owe it all to him
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
First of November...

And this one
Sunday, October 30, 2011
How Is This A Bad Thing???
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Tis the Freakin Season....
There seems to be two seasons for weddings: Summer... and Winter.
Occassionally there'll be weddings in between those two but those are rare and those individuals are quite weird. I've been to two weddings in the past 2 weeks and I have... about 2 or 3 more coming up here soon. Last year was worse though, I got 2 or 3 invitations in the mail a week! Everybody and their brother was getting married. Holy crap! I definitely was missing my boy very much and had a pang of jealousy and a touch bit of resentment to those who were getting married. Don't think I'm a horribly human being, please, because I was truly happy for those getting married and was excited to get their announcements/invitations. However, I couldn't help but looking up and saying quietly why not me?! Am I broken? Am I not worthy of this blessing? Why do I have to wait?? Almost instantaneously, a line from a poem would come to my mind that would help explain to me why:
Thursday, October 20, 2011
If You Can't Handle the Heat....
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tonight's Preview

I'm quite excited! I'm ready for my fairytale night!!! Just gotta find my killer outfit now....
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I Don't Normally Do This...
Not Anderson Cooper, he's alright. Jeffress... that guy on the right
Ever since Mitt Romney stepped onto the presidential candidate back in 2006, the LDS church has gotten a lot of spotlight and a lot of criticism due to people, like Jeffress, who like to bite off more than he can chew about a subject he clearly knows nothing about (as can be seen in his interview). I'm in no way endorsing Mitt Romney (I'll pay attention later on when a candidate has been selected) nor am I trying to convert the world with one blog post. I just want to set the facts straight and do what I can to try to stand up for something that I hold dear to my heart against hacks like Jeffress.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. As a Latter Day Saint, I am proud to say that I am a Christian, indeed I profess to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. I have read and studied the Holy Bible, namely the Old and New Testaments and have come to know them as the word of God as long as it is translated correctly. I also, have read the Book of Mormon: Another testament of Jesus Christ, and have come to know it to be the word of God as well. I have not been a member of this church my whole life, in fact I'm a convert to this church and became a member a little over 9 years ago. So I actually researched the church, I have out it's teachings to the test and after many many many times, I have come to find this church consistent with it's teachings and that it truly is Christs' church, as it's name boldly professes to be. The LDS church, or more commonly referred to as, the Mormon church, is in fact a Christian church.
For those who wish to call the "Mormons" a cult, whether sociologically or theological, it really doesn't matter, need to look up the definition of a cult. If we use the Merriam Webster Dictionary definition of "cult" will come to see that all religions would fit under that category. Seems like people need to research definitions before flaying out words in hoping to make their point seem valid. What makes the LDS church so different from any other church in the world is that it is not a reformed church, rather it is a restored church. Meaning we believe that our church is structured after the model that Christ himself formed in ancient days during his ministry. We believe that Jesus Christ restored His church through Joseph Smith, a man called by God to be the first modern day prophet. It was through the power of God that Joseph Smith restored this church, translated the Book of Mormon, translated the Kings James Version of the Holy Bible, and bring to light many of the necessary ordinances we believe to be crucial to salvation. It was through Joseph Smith, that Jesus Christ began to run his church and continues to this day through our current living prophet. If any Christian who knows their Bible and know that " Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8)" could agree that it would seem odd that a loving God would let there be prophets in ancient days but not in modern days, seeing what a mess the world is in now. So why not have prophets in latter days? Seems like a principle that makes sense considering what is said in the Bible.
For those who profess that Joseph Smith was a fraud, that he made up the entire Mormon religion, give this food for thought a mull over:
May I refer to a modern “last days” testimony? When Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum started for Carthage to face what they knew would be an imminent martyrdom, Hyrum read these words to comfort the heart of his brother:
“Thou hast been faithful; wherefore … thou shalt be made strong, even unto the sitting down in the place which I have prepared in the mansions of my Father.
“And now I, Moroni, bid farewell … until we shall meet before the judgment-seat of Christ.”7
A few short verses from the 12th chapter of Ether in the Book of Mormon. Before closing the book, Hyrum turned down the corner of the page from which he had read, marking it as part of the everlasting testimony for which these two brothers were about to die. I hold in my hand that book, the very copy from which Hyrum read, the same corner of the page turned down, still visible. Later, when actually incarcerated in the jail, Joseph the Prophet turned to the guards who held him captive and bore a powerful testimony of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon.8 Shortly thereafter pistol and ball would take the lives of these two testators.
As one of a thousand elements of my own testimony of the divinity of the Book of Mormon, I submit this as yet one more evidence of its truthfulness. In this their greatest—and last—hour of need, I ask you: would these men blaspheme before God by continuing to fix their lives, their honor, and their own search for eternal salvation on a book (and by implication a church and a ministry) they had fictitiously created out of whole cloth?
Never mind that their wives are about to be widows and their children fatherless. Never mind that their little band of followers will yet be “houseless, friendless and homeless” and that their children will leave footprints of blood across frozen rivers and an untamed prairie floor.9 Never mind that legions will die and other legions live declaring in the four quarters of this earth that they know the Book of Mormon and the Church which espouses it to be true. Disregard all of that, and tell me whether in this hour of death these two men would enter the presence of their Eternal Judge quoting from and finding solace in a book which, if not the very word of God, would brand them as impostors and charlatans until the end of time? They would not do that! They were willing to die rather than deny the divine origin and the eternal truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
-Jeffery R. Holland "Safety for the Soul" October 2009
I think that it's safe to say that anyone who was willing to die for something wouldn't die for something that they made up for any sort of gain.
The Book of Mormon has undergone some extreme criticism which in all seriousness does not make any sense to me. Anyone, who's really wanted to know the truth of this book, just needs to read it (not under the influence of any drugs or stimulates may I throw in there). This is what separates those who are truly interested and those who are just curious or trying to find some way to prove it false. So what if somethings don't match up in the Book of Mormon? There are plenty of things in the Bible that don't make sense but you don't see the Lutheran or Protestant churches as a whole disclaiming the validity of that sacred text. In John we read that "other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them must I also bring and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd (John 10:16)." Wouldn't it also make sense that these other folds also have their own set of scriptures? It would be unfair and unjust for a loving God to only talk to one set of people and yet not others, thus condemning them since they would not have a written copy of what was spoken to them by God himself. Any of those who really want to know if the Book of Mormon is real, read it and follow the challenge found at the end of the book.
As a side note, not totally related to the church at all, all of those who are against the church, please stop relating Warren Jeffs and all of those involved with the polygamist sect to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He and his followers are members of the Reformed Latter Day Saints, a broken off sect of the church. The RLDS and FLDS are NOT members of the LDS church.
To wrap this post up, I just want to end on this note. If you wanted to know what a Buddist believed, you wouldn't ask a Catholic, would you? If you wanted to know what a Muslim believed, you wouldn't ask a Hindu, would you? If you wanted to know what a "Mormon" believed, you would ask a good standing member of the church, wouldn't you? Ask someone who really follows and believes what the church teaches, not a "Jack Mormon" or a member who has been excommunicated. In sum, go to the source for the truth, instead of relying on the biased opinion of an ignorant Baptist pastor in Texas who has a bone to pick with my church.
"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophecy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission for their sins (2nd Nephi 25:24)." If this isn't a Christian statement... then I have no idea what would be considered on!
Again, my intention of this post was not to convert the world nor delve into deep doctrinal discussions about the church. It was just to clear up some misconceptions the the media has seemed to focus on about the church I belong to. If any reader has any further questions about the Latter Day Saint church, just visit mormon.org to read about our beliefs further and you can even talk to representatives to clear up any questions.
I am a daughter of two loving parents, sister to an outgoing brother, friend to many in all different walks of life, an aspiring culinarian, a dog lover, and a mentee to an amazing mentor. My name is Marlee Martin and I... am a Mormon.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Less Than is Always Better Than...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Self Discovery
Monday, October 3, 2011
My Competition Adventure