I logged on to Facebook yesterday before I took off for the day spending it with my brother and I saw something that slightly disturbed me...
There's this girl that went to culinary school with me, at first glance anyone could have every right to misjudge her; had black and purple hair, anti-God tattoos, piercings everywhere, was into body modification, had dreads... yeah she was a character. And she had an attitude to go with it... she hung around the wrong crowd, swore almost as bad as my dad does (he was in the Navy... so he honestly swears like a sailor), smoke, drank, partied... all that jazz.
One day, this girl met this boy. This boy changed this girl around. She took her dreads out, her attitude toned down a bit, she hasn't been out partying as much and has just been a nicer person to be around and not have such a harsh first impression of her. She also has been posting quotes from Psalms and other parts of the Bible; big shock for me but I'm proud of her.
Back to yesterday, I got on Facebook and I saw her status and thought it truly was a beautiful post. She basically (in a terribly small nutshell) said that she has gained reassurance from the Lord of who she is because of his Spirit and how she can be confident in herself because he has confidence in her. I thought it was a wonderful post and enjoyed reading it. As I was getting ready, I saw that someone had commented on her status and said "Are you ok? You're getting all religious on us..."
How in the world is that a bad thing? Why should a simple and beautiful declaration of gained confidence and assurance in yourself because of your renewed relationship with you Creator raise any kind of concern? I mean, I could understand a raised level of concern if she went off about the current economic crisis, how work screwed her over, the school ripped her off or whatever and she was going to whack someone at the school to solve all her woes...
Concern for that I could understand, in fact I probably would've been the first one to say something to calme the situation. However... when does proclaiming one's new-found belief in Deity, morals, standards of living, declaration of hope etc... cause anyone to raise an eyebrow and ask if that person if they are ok??? What has this world come to? When have we must all of a sudden defend ourselves for posting a semi-religious quote on a social network that has no real value in the real world? When has talking about religion become grounds for offenses to be exchanged and feelings to be hurt? Why have we allowed religion and spirituality to take a back seat in our society and have become ashamed to share these sentiments? Why have we asked the Lord to sit quietly in the dark corners of our lives while we romp around in our lives and deny his very existence when it's convenient for us... then when our lives go up in flames, wonder why he wasn't there to save us and wonder "if God loves us, why does he let bad things happen?"
Some people...
Like I said in a previous post, I'm not one to wave my religion in people's faces, if they want to know more... I'm more than happy to talk to them and answer questions. However... I will never excuse myself for being "too religious" or apoligize for sharing a declaration of gained confidence because I have realized my divine nature and my personal worth to an All-knowing, All-powerful, All-Loving and Supreme Being. And neither should this girl I went to school with. Neither should anyone for that matter.
Seems to me like the world has lost a sense of reality on the eternal perspective of what really matters and what doesn't... what should make a person raise an eyebrow in concern and what should be complimented for significant progress in turning a life around... for the better!
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