Today marks yet another mini-milestone! 50 days until my Sweetheart is back home! I had a tiny preview of what that night will look like when we are reunited again after 736 days!
To spoil a bit of the story for you all, my Love and I will not be seeing each other for the first time at the airport, at the Stake Center, or even at my house after he has been released. We don't want to see each other until he has been released because honestly... I never want to shake that boy's hand (let's be real...) and it'll give his family time to be with him before he is released and he comes to see me. Our first plan was for him to just come over to my house after he was released and do that whole thing. One day, sometime last year rsmthng... he had sent me a tape and on that tape he had suggested that we meet each other at the temple. I loved that idea and told him so; so that's the new plan of action... meet each other at the temple after he has been released. I will have two of my close friends to distract me that entire day (I asked him not to send me flight plans as I want the time to go by as fast as it can for me to see him as soon as I possibly can) and be there at the temple with me to take pictures of us two so ya'll can see the moment as well. I have to start getting outfit ideas together so I can knock him dead after two years of not seeing his woman. I've got plans that I need to start rolling into action here soon!!! He's coming home!
But to get back to the whole temple topic, tonight I had a preview of just what my night will look like, giving that he is released at night and not the afternoon. I went to the temple tonight to do baptizms for the dead, since I won't be able to go my normal time and saw that the temple already had some lights up!!! I'm sooo stinkin excited! I love the Christmas time when the temple gets all decked out in lights and nativity scenes! It's honestly one of the most beautiful things ever. Aaaaaand with him coming home in December, that means that I will get to see him with Christmas lights in the background! Romantic much??? I love the idea! So here's the preview of what I get to look forward to:

I'm quite excited! I'm ready for my fairytale night!!! Just gotta find my killer outfit now....
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