Yep! That's right! My man is getting old today. Turning a whopping 2-2! I'll be joining the AARP club with him though in 3 months. This is his third birthday I get to celebrate with him and his last one on the mission!!! Hallelujah!

Here I am with a glass of fine aged Martenelli's on the rocks trying to think of how best to tell him happy birthday. I have already sent him a birthday package which he should have recieved. Looking over the past 3 birthdays with him, I can't help but just think about how he was those three times. The first one I spent with him, he had a party that a bunch of friends were invited to and he put the pressure on me to make him a cake. I decided to make a chocolate cake with a mango filling and frost it with red buttercream. Well... the red turned to pink and trying to make my man's perfect birthday cake was just not happening. He came to my house from work to see myself with my hair disheveled, puffy eyes from crying and a frazzeled girlfriend with a pink cake. He grabbed me into his arms and said "I love my cake so much! Thank you for making me a cake for my birthday." I then commenced with crying because I was so bummed about the cake.
For his party, he shmoozed with everyone but, in his own words, made sure that I was the center of attention for his birthday. He loved the party, he loved the cake, and he loved the presents but most importantly, he loved that I had put in so much thought for his day.
And he's been like that the entire time we've been together! Last year for his birthday, he spent a good 30 minutes on a tape telling me how much he loved every. single. gift I had sent him. I am so lucky that he is sooo appreciative even if his lame woman makes him a pink cake. "I don't care that it was pink. It still tasted delicious!" He's a fat kid in the making!
The past two birthdays that have been while on his mission, I have tried to think of ways to celebrate this day by doing something that reminds me of him. Today, I have decided to wear two mismatched socks just for him. He loves me.

{good thing I'm going to match his socks for him!}
So Taylor, my Darling. Happy Birthday Love! You're getting old, but hey, you'll be a very cute grandpa if I do say so myself! I can't wait to spend your birthday with you next year! I'll be sure to save to make it super special! I love you and I can't wait to see you in less than 4 months! Cheers Babe! Here's to you!
So I don't know about ya'll but I've never been told "it's not me, it's you." Well maybe I have... in a very indirect way. Anyways, yesterday after what I thought was just going to be an informational interview with my chef at work, turned out to be a conversation about how I seem inconsistent as to my happiness at work and how I come off across to people. Apparently I have come across as rude and unapproachable quite a few times to those with whom I work. I kept my defenses to myself and just listened to the oppositions arguement as to what he saw going on. It was interesting to have my perception changed to see it. "It" being the bigger picture. After much reflection last night and more today, I've come to realize how much my vision had narrowed the more stressed and frustrated I had become that I hadn't tried to see if I was coming off across as an unapproachable and disrespectful cook. I had allowed my pity parties for one with a side of "wo is me's" cloud my personality and tarnish my positive outlook on life which over time had slowly started to create me into a bitter monster cook at work who, matter-of-factly, wasn't progressing hardly at all.
I came to realize that my negative mindset, frustration-induced "I'm not good enough" and "I can't do this" thoughts has so far made it impossible for me to overcome these obstacles that have constantly been in my way. I don't know how to get over these hurdles and progress forward. What I do know now is that I need to change my outlook, have an attitude adjustment and start believing in my abilities in order to get the things done that are necessary for my job. I need to step up to the plate. I have accepted that it is me. I need to change. I need to find what I can learn from this job and start believing in myself or else nobody else will.
My Darling! Hi! I just felt like saying that I love you and how excited I am to be yours forever. I saw this video and thought of sharing it with you. I know that we'll be that cute old couple 50 years from now. I know that my life with you will be the happiest I could've ever hoped for. I can't wait to grow old and wrinkley with you. Go through life with you. And have an eternities worth of memories to share with you. As long as it's you, I could never ask for anything more. I know that our adherence to the gospel will ensure a long and happy life together! I can't wait for you to ask me to be your wife and I can't wait to say yes! Being sealed together will the biggest blessing either of us could have ever wanted in life. I love you so very much. You're my everything!
Yours Forever {and ever},
Marlee Michelle