Friday, August 5, 2011

Dearest Taylor,

My Darling! Hi! I just felt like saying that I love you and how excited I am to be yours forever. I saw this video and thought of sharing it with you. I know that we'll be that cute old couple 50 years from now. I know that my life with you will be the happiest I could've ever hoped for. I can't wait to grow old and wrinkley with you. Go through life with you. And have an eternities worth of memories to share with you. As long as it's you, I could never ask for anything more. I know that our adherence to the gospel will ensure a long and happy life together! I can't wait for you to ask me to be your wife and I can't wait to say yes! Being sealed together will the biggest blessing either of us could have ever wanted in life. I love you so very much. You're my everything!
Yours Forever {and ever},
Marlee Michelle


1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, you two are darling. love the video too!
