I will not go into further explaination of what the signifigance of "Katie Jo" means. Let it suffice to say that I had once the impression that after I had complained about something, anytime, the universe would coordinate the stars to align perfectly together in order to appease my wants and desires and all would be well in my life once more. It usually works!
I thought this was going to be the same case for me once I started my on-foot-hunt for the perfect white pencil skirt. It was a grueling hour and a half (I reeeeeeeally don't like shopping); I had searched Dillards, Sears, Macy's, Charlotte Russe, Forever 21, Express, New York and Company. But I finally found IT. THE skirt! 

It was glorious! I found it at White House Black Market. It was as if the heavens parted, angelic choirs were singing and the fashion gods were going to listen to my plea and allow me to have this beautiful creation (I have been on the hunt for one for 8 months mind you!)... it was soon to be mine! It was going to really happen!
But it was not to be mine right now... tragedy had struck when I looked at the price tag! $78!!!! Are you serious?! It's not like it's made out of cashmere or Egyptian cotton!!!! The lovely saleswoman looked at me and my stricken face and asked me what the matter was. I told her that this was what I was looking for... however it was waaaaaaaaaaay out of my budget! She explained that they had just gotten it the previous week but that in a while it may go on sale.
NEW PLAN OF ACTION: Constantly stalk this company's website for the next few months until this beautiful skirt goes on sale! I can settle for $40... that'd be ok with me. My Katie Jo... I shall have you!
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