This week has been quite a bittersweet one for me... and it really hasn't fully on hit me yet as this being the end. The end of school and this competition. Tomorrow is my last actual day of classes, one week earlier than all of the others that are graduating. Looking back at the past 9 weeks, I can't believe that I actually did this! I made it through the most grueling months of my culinary school career. And I'm still breathing! I have officially lived to tell my story!! It can be done! Tuesday was my last ever cooking class at my school and it is so weird to think that I won't ever cook in those kitchens again (at least I think I won't). It was all just so surreal.
Looking back at the last year, I never thought I would be where I am today. I didn't think I would have had these opportunities or experiences that I have had since I've been in school. I'm so incredibly glad that I chose to go to culinary school to finally do what I absolutely love to do! It definitely hasn't been easy, at all. There were times where I honestly just wanted to give up because I didn't know if I made the right decision, if I was good enough. Now, in hindsight, I can see where everything fell into place perfectly in order for me to be able to go! It has all been such a huge blessing! I've learned so much and I've grown a ton while in school. I am so thankful for my chefs who have taught me over the past year and have put up with my moods and stupid ideas from time to time. I will always treasure my chefs' instructions, critiques, and advice. There is one in particular that I have especially connected with and will always be grateful for the mentor that he has been for me the entire time I have been there, whether I had been taking a class of his that quarter or not.
But with this beginning now coming to an end, it's time for another glorious chapter to start in my life and I couldn't be more excited! I have absolutely no idea what to expect from here on out! The world is in my hands, as my coach said to the team this morning. We have such a bright future ahead of us, we name our price! I am absolutely stoked about Austria! But I'm also sick to my stomach with anxiety and nerves. I don't want to let anyone down, I don't want to let myself down, I just want to do the best I can with no regrets or looking back and thinking "man, we could've done this instead of that!" I'm very blessed to have the partner that I do, one that has been in that exact same competition and can tell me what to expect. We're going to do well! I just can't choke once it's show time... cross our fingers I don't.

{both teams!!!}
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