I had somewhat of a mental breakdown early (veeery early) this morning; partially due to lack of sleep and the time it was and another due to what was causing so much stress and frustration in my life. Here's a little bit of fact some of you may not know... I teach the 3-4 year olds at church (Sunbeams) and they can be a bit... challenging, 4 of them sometimes seems too much to handle occasionally. This morning, I felt like a complete wreck, puffy eyes and all and still hadn't read my lesson to teach my kids today. Totally unprepared and honestly, I really didn't feel like teaching them today, I just wanted to hide away in Relief Society with all the old bitties and call it a day. However, I know what I needed to do and that I was called to teach these kids for a reason (that and there was absolutely NO way I'd be able to find a substitute for my class in 15 mins while I was still at church). So I sucked it up.
I really feel like a little child sometimes that just needs to be held and comforted. I've always liked this picture of the Savior because I just feel this way sometimes. I just need to be held and comforted in the way that's best for me. I definitely felt the Saviors love for me through this little tender mercy.

Even though I was having a not-so-righteous-pity party, I always know that the Lord is there to help me whenever I need it, I just have to turn to Him and allow the help to come to me. He's more than willing, I just have to recognize it when it comes! PS. Just found this picture... I love it as well! So this day turned out to be a great day after all, now I the renewed strength I need to carry on and keep doing what the Lord would have me do.
Let me tell you... Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need and when we need it. It wasn't the relief I was looking for at all but it was the relief my soul needed. I went to Primary and to my complete shock... I only had 1 kid in primary... 1 and the presidency didn't even offer to have me combine with the other Sunbeam class. I just had to watch one boy (who does happen to be my favorite, I'll admit) and it was just nice to sit back and have him sit on my lap. "We" (the boy and I) learned "I Love to See the Temple" today and during class, we just sat on the floor, he had Cheerios and Pops, I drew him fireworks, we had a tiny lesson on families... and I was able to just feel calm and enjoy my time with him.

Even though I was having a not-so-righteous-pity party, I always know that the Lord is there to help me whenever I need it, I just have to turn to Him and allow the help to come to me. He's more than willing, I just have to recognize it when it comes! PS. Just found this picture... I love it as well! So this day turned out to be a great day after all, now I the renewed strength I need to carry on and keep doing what the Lord would have me do.
It's funny how help normally never comes in the way you expect it to...I think God does that on purpose, so that we remember that even if WE can't see a way out, He always has it figured out :)