So I'm guessing this is my intro. I've never blogged before. Ever. And for the longest time, I never knew why sooo many people got into it... until recently. Now for some reason, I have this... desire, I suppose, to be a lemming and have a blog as well. So here it goes. This is the insight into how my mind works. I'll try to be insightful and profound on occasion, but really, I want to just put my random thoughts and feelings out there on anything that I might feel to be intriguing or has stood out to me during the day, week, month, or any frame of time. WARNING: this blog will have A LOT of pictures of food on it! I really will try not to make this a food journal but cooking is my passion and the reason I am going to school.
Here's a little about me. My name has 3 M's in it... pretty cool huh :D I've always thought so. Well... that is until I get married and a special boy of mine decides to ruin the flow I've got going on. I am the oldest child of my parents marriage and I have a younger brother who is graduating high school this week. I am on the home stretch of culinary school and will be graduating this September (holla)! I am in LOVE with food. I love playing with it, shopping for it, cooking it, eating it... you name it, I love it! I love knowing what food does to the body and I hope to eventually attend Johnson and Wales and get my BA in Culinary Management with a focus in Nutrition! We'll see how that pans out!
The FIRST love of my life's name is TJ Brady and is serving a mission for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and comes home in 6 1/2 months! I couldn't be more excited to have him home. I have a feeling a story time will be needed soon. I will post pictures of him on here whenever I can steal them from the blog his family is keeping for him while he's gone! He is my happiness and the main motivation I have to keep going on day to day. He's wonderful and somehow seems to spoil me on a weekly basis from over 2,000 miles away and has been since the day he left! I still don't know how I managed to live the first 19 years of my life without this amazing man by my side! I'm truly a better person because of him! I love him so very much.
That's about it for now! I must now get some rest for my long day at work tomorrow! I'm excited to keep this blog and have stories to share with all of you that choose to follow!
Ahh yay!! Way to cave, Marlee!! hahaha but seriously, I LOVE IT! Can't wait for more posts! And your layout is super cute! :D